Monday, September 14, 2009

I taught my first class today...

Today was a big day for me because I taught my first class...
That sounds like more than it actually was...

Actually I taught part of a class today about databases and plagiarism.
Sound exciting? That is about how excited the kids were too...

Yesterday I spent quite a bit of time creating a brochure of the steps for using the different databases that we have..

I also edited a PowerPoint about plagiarism. This was one that had been taken from Purdue's OWL writing lab by my predecessor. I made changes and gave credit to Purdue. That seemed important since it was about using someone else's work.

Then as I got started presenting I just sort of rolled...
I wasn't nervous. That surprised me. Instead, I felt confident and like I knew my stuff. And I did now my stuff...

So - how did I do?

Don't really know...but that's ok.
It's a start and that makes me excited!

1 comment:

kts9600 said...

Terrific - you're on the way!!