Monday, June 3, 2013


 I think this is such a good idea!!!

I love pinterest and I am deeply embedded in education - but i haven't been all that keen about having my professional world of school and my private world of pinterest collide.  I felt a little like George Costanza from the old Seinfield show.  It just made me a little creeped out.

What if I pinned student work to my pinterest board and they started looking through my other boards...they may happen across something that is not completely schoolish!  :)

So - I could make some of my boards private - or I could have two accounts. But the truth is that neither of those choices come very naturally.

Enter EduClipper...

It looks a lot like acts a lot like pinterest...and it's just for teachers and students.

One of my concerns is that it isn't as well known as pinterest and so may not be as user friendly.  For example if you make a movie in Animoto - it has a share to pinterest button.  That is super easy.
My belief is that if educators embrace the more specialized world of educlipper - it will work just like pinterest.

So, the more of us who begin using EduClipper the better it is for all of us!

It is one of the tools I want to explore more this summer.

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