Monday, June 10, 2013

Creating Learning Environments 13 - Project Based Learning Day1

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 What a great way to start our week!

Kevin Honeycutt and Ginger Lewman gave us an overview of Project Based Learning. As they shared from their experience teaching both students and teachers they painted a picture of how effective and enjoyable Project Based Learning is.

We were introduced to the idea of emotional learning...the deeper the emotions the deeper the learning.  Can you remember where you were and what you were doing on 9/11?
Emotion + Learning = Forever Learning.

image from The Locket

We also explored what our current social consciousness and responsibilities are to our kiddos. We need to take that responsibility on ourselves in the digital world - just like our parents and grandparents did in
the physical world. Kevin has this great example of mentoring grandmothers to provide them with the tools to watch out for their grandkids!

And that was only the first part of the morning!

He also demonstrated ways for students to find their authentic audience - the entrepreneurship of self-publishing and selling art work on line!

image from the Locket
And then it was time for some hands on practice! Ginger Lewman challenged the group to create an emotional hook that will grab the attention of your students and make them want to answer the more important questions.  As the participants worked on these projects they experienced that first jump into PBL.  And that continued after lunch when one of the groups bravely shared their project with the rest of us and we were able to praise and to wonder - the exact activities that students participate in during PBL.

To view these amazing projects and to follow us - check out our twitter hashtag  #cle13.

And the truth is, the afternoon flew past.  Participants were able to self-select their work environment...the library to go deeper in a small group with Ginger or the cafetorium all together with Kevin.

And so our week begins...and our journey down the path of Project Based Learning.

Check out our conference website  or follow us on twitter to join the conversation!

1 comment:

Wine Recipes said...

Great poost thank you