Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Where should I start?


How do I fundamentally change my classroom?
How do I make that change in a way that moves learning forward and doesn’t make me lose my mind?
And how do I make that change sustainable?

Those are the questions I hear from instructors as they embark on the journey of Blended and Personalized Learning.

And for each of those questions there are a whole host of other questions...
Where do I really start?
What if I stink at this?
How will I know that it is working?

And then there are these that keep me awake at night...

What if I just can’t do it
What if my students are horrible to me?
What if their grades tank?

I have walked with teachers who have turned their classroom upside down and changed EVERYTHING at once.
I have also walked with teachers who added a small tweak each week/month.

The truth about personalized learning is that it also needs to be personalized for the teacher.
What I mean by that is that you know yourself and you need to be front and center in this transformation or
it will not be sustainable.

Are you a ‘turn-it-all-inside-out’ teacher? Then going slow will drive you crazy!
Are you a ‘one-step-only-one-step’ person? Then honor that!

I believe that most teachers will do anything for their students...even at their own peril.
Why else would we be willing to spend our entire weekend grading and planning and rearranging for others' children instead of focusing on our own kids?


Because if you don’t you will not be able to sustain this change and personalized learning will be just another dusty binder on the back shelf of your classroom.

You can only change yourself...

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