I am a planner.
Not necessarily a doer - but a planner.
I like to organize and prepare and plan and then too often I lose steam and that is the end of it.
Because of that I am always on the path for the perfect organizational system.
Last year I discovered
Bullet Journaling and fell head over heels in love! I lurked on blogs about bullet journaling like this beautiful one by
Boho Berry, and followed instagram accounts of gorgeous bullet journals like
TinyRayofSunShine. I even joined a facebook group called
Bullet Journal Junkies.
I spent so much time looking and admiring and dreaming that I didn't spend much time writing in my own
Bujo. And that is clearly a problem!
So - it's time to begin 2017 with a new plan! :)
But first, a couple of things I learned through my exploration this past year.
- I need an analog To Do list! I am the most productive when I have a place to jot down reminders and to do items throughout the day and throughout my life. There are some specific requirements for that list...
- needs enough space to write
- needs to have dates attached to items
- needs to be analog - because I like to check things off
- needs a place to plan ahead
- I need a place to keep lists -
- Christmas lists
- TV suggestions
- books to read
- tools to share with teachers
- I am a little concerned about privacy with my Bujo. I am a traveling consultant. I am in many different schools and offices and I am quite forgetful. I didn't want my personal world to be left behind somewhere in my professional world
- I do not want to use two different list tools. I considered carrying two bujos and that just didn't seem practical. I love the idea of an all in one tool. I know that could mean Drive and for many techie people that works well. But I have a hankering for some things analog!
With all that in mind here is my new plan
I have decided to go to two tools. I know I didn't think I wanted that - but they serve two different purposes.
First - I am using my new
Rocketbook Wave notebook for my to do list. I am using the
Standard size, about the size of a small planner. The genius of this notebook is I can make it digital - there are small icons across the bottom of each page. Using a smartphone app you can connect an image with a destination - email, drive, one note - so that snapping a picture of the image sends it to that digital spot. The other amazing thing about this notebook is it can be erased. By using special pens (and BTW they are very nice weight and writing) you can microwave the notebook when full and the ink will be 'erased.'
I am using a two page spread for my week - on the left is a list of the days and my calendar for the week. I know I am rewriting that. But, I find that it helps me remember what I need to do.
On the right is my to do list complete with small boxes for me to cross things off. I can carry my to do list on to the next page if necessary
I have combined my personal and professional life on both the calendar and my to do list.
I am loving this notebook. It is small enough for me to take anywhere - in a bookbag or a purse. And lays flat so I can easily keep it beside me as I work.
Second - my new Bullet Journal. Because I am only using this for lists - I decided on a
Moleskin notebook that I found at
Target. It's not as fancy as the
Leuchtturm I used last year. But I am a sucker for the polka dots! I added the date and my name in permanent marker.
After having a place to jot down gift suggestions, books to read and quotes last year - I really couldn't give that up.
So this book will live in a book bag in my car. Because I am a bit of nomad - I keep a traveling office in my car. I have found that there are books I often need, but not on a daily basis. These ride around in my car in this
jazzy Target bag. That is where my Bujo will also live.
Stay tuned to see how this system works for me!
I'd love to hear what works for you!!